Monday, March 10, 2008

Life's fine line

Ther is a fine line between love and hate

For those of us who loath our capabilities
and time wasted on our overated careers,
striving businesses ,economic, mental
and emotional crises; We fall into the trap
of doing the necessities rather then simply
fulfilling our deepest desires that make us
great human being


is'nt it great to live a lilfe of passion ,
to travel around the world not just from
Divisoria to ADC and back ,cruising life
day by day with no burden of having to
think about the troubles of tomorrow,
having to look forward to see faces of our
love ones ,friends or just another soul and
make a difference in their live?
What man is a man who does not make the
world better?" Ver
in my field ,people with various
backgrounds and different reasons offer
ask my opinion about what's the best
business one could engage in now a days.
Technically,as part of my job .
I used to answer anything with statistics,
trendingand forecasting. Now, I can simply say,
"Choose a business with low capital
investment, high infrastructure and
medium maintenance that will yield
outstanding results.


The Power mall business is simply the
greatest business in the world!
I salute the people who see the opportunity and do
something with it.For those who haven't seen

it, take a look at it, It's yours to journey on.
We live to love and therefore we should
love living. If you are happy with where
you are right now, you can do something
great. If you're not, then you're on the
right track. And the fine line where you
can begin is called DECISION.
The grandest truth of all is that we now have a CHOICE.

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